19th Century French Silver & Enamel Vesta Case "A Propos De Bottes"
A very fine French silver and enamel Vesta Case of shaped recangular form with sprung hinged lid, enameled of all surfaces apart from the striker to one side, the gilded interior with a scene of a running hare and a label - Loi Du 2 Aout 1872 , the base and lid with amusing colourful French anecdotes.
By The Compagnie Générale des Allumettes Chimiques ( General Company of Chemical Matches), 66 Chaussée D'Antin, Paris, France c1880.
Loi Du 2 Aout 1872 - Manufacturing duty on chemical matches (1871-1981).
In order to improve the national public finances tested by the Franco-Prussian War of 1870 , a manufacturing duty on chemical matches was established by the law of September 4, 1871. The yield of this tax being too low, the manufacture and importation of matches were declared a state monopoly by the law of August 2, 1872. The manufacturing right is repealed by the Finance Act for 1982.
Sold - £865.00