French Silver Gilt Sewing Etui

A very fine and rare sterling silver gilt Sewing Etui, complete with original rectangular blue leather bound case with canted corners, the lid and sides decorated in gold with Chinoiserie scenes. The set consists of needle case, bodkin, needle threader, thimble and scissors, decorated with Chinoiserie figures and symbols. The Blue tooled leather bound case has a beige velvet fitted base and the inside lid is lined with a cream silk lining with the gold Royal Crown of King George V and Queen Mary and reads 'By Royal Warrants' to His Majesty King George V and also 'To TM (their majesties) Queen Mary and Queen Alexandria'. 'Dreyfous Paris' 128 Mount Street, London and 580 Fifth Avenue New York. The back of the case is also marked in gold 'Dreyfous - Paris London and New York'.
The set is complete and all the pieces are original and bare matching French hallmarks and maker's mark which looks like POC in a diamond lozenge. Made in France c1910 and retailed by Messrs Dreyfous of Paris.
Sold - £0.00