Rare Edwardian Novelty Silver Farman III Biplane Pin Cushion

An extremely rare and unusual Edwardian Novelty Silver Pin Cushion made in the form of a Farman III Biplane. Constructed from silver wire and thin silver sheet to perfectly mimic the original ground breaking aeroplane, complete with revolving propeller and wheels and with attached suspension ring and chain.
By Crisford & Norris, Birmingham, 1909. The original plane was constructed in the same year.
The Farman III, aircraft designed, built, and first flown by the French aviator Henri Farman in 1909.
In the early spring of 1909, Farman, the son of English parents living in France, ordered a new airplane from the French aeronautical pioneer Gabriel Voisin. Having earned enormous fame by completing the first circular flight of 1 km (0.6 mile) and the first cross-country flight in an earlier Voisin machine (Voisin-Farman I), Farman specified his own modifications on the new aircraft. For reasons that are unclear, Voisin sold the finished machine ordered by Farman to the English aviator J.T.C. Moore-Brabazon. Farman, together with his brother Maurice Farman, responded by building an improved aircraft for himself.
Having recognized the critical importance of lateral control as a result of his observation of the Wright brothers, Farman rejected the Voisin reliance on inherent lateral stability in favour of “down-only” ailerons mounted on the trailing edge of the wings. Three Farman III aircraft flew during the Reims Competition (Aug. 22–29, 1909), the first organized international air competition. Flying the original airplane of this type, Farman won the Grand Prix of the meet with a flight of 180 km (112 miles) in just over 3 hours; the Prix des Passagers, for a flight with the pilot and two passengers; and second place in the altitude competition. Reims marked the beginning of a distinguished career for the aircraft. For the two years after this competition, the Farman III was the most sought-after biplane in the world.
Sold - £1,950.00