Victoria & Albert Memento Gold Gem Set Propelling Pencil

An extremely fine quality 19th century high carat gold Commemorative Propelling Pencil, the barrel elaborately chased with foliate scrolls and flowerheads on a matt background,the finial formed as a crown and set with rounded triangular moss agates and tipped with a ruby, the barrel set with two bands of similar but not as green moss agates and the slider button similarly set as a flowerhead centred by a ruby. The top band punctuated with two circular medallions, one depicting the young Queen Victoria and the other Prince Albert.
Unmarked, but quite probably by Royal Jewellers Rundell, Bridge & Rundell c1840. Possibly made as a memento of the Royal wedding on the 10th Febuary 1840.
110mm closed
130mm open
In good condition with no damage or repair.
Sold - £1,950.00